Baldur's Gate 3 Best Party Composition

The best Baldur’s Gate 3 best party composition is one that can take on all situations and challenges the game throws at you. With a huge open world, challenging fights and a ton of dialogue choices to be made, we’ll go over the best Baldur’s Gate 3 party composition depending on your playstyle.

BG3 party

Why Party Composition Matters

When making your party, its easy just to pick your favourite characters, however you might find you will struggle both in and out of combat. Here are the main reasons why your party characters matter in Baldur’s Gate 3

Traps, secrets and lockpicking

While travelling in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, you will encounter traps, hidden objects and secrets. These could be buried treasure, breakable walls that lead to secret zones, or trapped chests or items. So you will need a range of different skills to identify them, such as survival and perception.

On top of this, you will need a character to lockpick chests, doors and disarm traps. There are other ways around this, such as smashing through things, healing through trap damage or finding keys. But having a designated “sleight of hands” character will make things much faster and easier.

Combat Problems

The best Baldur’s Gate 3 party composition will be able to take on all challenges the game throws at you. Some fights requires lots of area of effect damage, some require a heavy hitter who can take a beating and others are made easier by certain spells. Therefore having 4 wizards or 4 barbarians could lead to problems in some of the harder fights, especially in some of the difficult Act 3 areas.

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Party

So lets break down some of the Baldur’s Gate 3 best party compositions we’ve seen in the game so far. These party’s should help you take on every single challenge in the game. Also remember that any of the characters in the game can be respeced into different classes if you want to change these around. Check out our full Baldur’s Gate 3 respec guide for more on this.

You can choose below to fill a role as a main character and then see which companions work best around you. For example if you want to play a melee, you could take the place of Karlach, or you could replace Gale if you want to play as a wizard. We also have a full guide on how to find every companion in Baldur’s Gate 3 if that is something you need.

Tank, Rogue, Mage, Healer

This is one of the strongest party’s in the Baldur’s Gate 3. It is perfectly balanced both in and out of combat and lets you take on every situation with ease. You’ll have some physical characters and magic characters and a wide range of skills.

Melee (Minthara, Lae’zel, Karlach): For a tank you want heavy armour as you’ll be taking a ton of hits. you could take feats in shields or durable for extra defence. Taking a shield would help but is not needed. You can fully play a tank character with a 2 handed sword.

Rogue (Astarion): This is your “sleight of hand” and perception master. Astarion as a rogue (thief subclass) can detect traps and hidden secrets, open chests and doors and disarm traps. You can easily pass 30 roll skill checks on hard locks with a fully leveled thief.

Wizard/Sorcerer (Gale): Now you want someone who can deal heavy area of affect (AoE) damage. When you have 10+ small enemies a wizard or sorcerer can destroy them all with one spell. Personally think an evocation wizard works best for this as your spells won’t hit your own party members, but sorcerers played correctly can do more damage.

Cleric/Druid (Shadowheart, Halsin, Jaheira): The last spot is best filled by someone who can buff your other party members and heal. A druid or cleric best fits this role as they have great healing and damage when build right. You can also play them as a damage dealer, using holy damage on a cleric or animal form on a druid, and then healing after the fights.

Magic Power Party

baldurs gate 3 magic This is a party for the magic lovers. You have 2 powerful magic casters, but have a tank who can switch out and cast spells and can even pop own locks with the magic spell (Arcane Lock)

Druid Tank (Halsin, Jaheira): You want to take a druid as your tank and give them the circle of the moon subsclass, which empowers their wild shape abilities. As a druid tank you’ll be up close as a bear, but be able to shape out and cast powerful spells when needed.

Warlock (Wyll): To support a heavy magic party, we have to take a warlock such as Wyll. Warlocks can do huge damage with spells like Eldritch Blast, but can also be built into melee. We’d suggest giving Wyll armour and feats that improve his melee abilities so he can be upfront with the druid tank.

Wizard/Sorcerer (Gale): This will be your big AoE damage dealer. Able to clear tons of small enemies in one go, but as a wizard you also have lots of support spells. You can summon elementals, pick locks with spells and give people abilities that helps them get around the map.

Cleric (Shadowheart): Now for someone who can buff your other party members and heal. With a druid as your main tank, a cleric best fits the final position. Healing, supportive magic and some really powerful spells.

Physical Force Party

If you’re looking for more of a pure damage party, that just brute force their way through the whole game, this sort of set up might be for you.

Melee (Minthara, Lae’zel, Karlach): For a tank you want heavy armour as this will be your main damage taker. But you will be supported by other physical characters, so can play this much more aggressively taking things such as greater weapon feats.

2 x Melee Damage: To support the tank, we’ll take a two more character in melee range. Almost any character can fit this position. Astarion as a dual wielding rogue, a barbarian like Karlach, or even Wyll, Shadowheart or one of the druids. These will be character that support at close range using empowered magical attacks. A paladin also works really well here if you want that as your main character or have taken Minthara.

Physical Ranged (Astarion or Minsc): Now we want a physical ranged character that makes use of bows or crossbows. Either Astaron or Minsc work best here as they can deal huge ranged damage, massive critical hits and can make use of special arrows to apply magic effects.


Best Party in Baldur's Gate 3

These are our top suggestions for the best party composition in Baldur’s Gate 3. Hopefully this helps give you an idea of what role to fill as the main character and the best companions to build around. We mentioned feats a lot so check out our best feats for every class if you need more on this. And check out the Baldur’s Gate 3 classes on the wiki for more information how the subclasses work.

And for more from us, check our Baldur’s Gate 3 page for guides and tips.