WoW Dragonflight Review: Is WoW worth playing in 2023?

Is WoW Worth Playing in 2023 -A wow Dragonflight Review:

World of Warcraft just released its 9th Expansion Dragonflight, with a whole new zone, dragon flying and a playable dragon race. But today lets talk about if WoW is worth playing in 2023? 

We do have a full video review available if you want to check that out, see some of the gameplay, new dungeons and trials. Otherwise, lets get into our World of Warcraft in 2023 Review.

World of Warcraft is an MMORPG created by blizzard entertainment and has been one of the biggest and most well known MMO’s for the last 15 years. WoW is best known for its end game content; its dungeon, raids and player v player arenas.

But there is much more to WoW than its competitive endgame scene. So lets get into this WoW Dragonflight Review and discuss if WoW is worth playing in 2023.

  • Reasons To Play WoW Dragonlfight
  • WoW Dragonflight Endgame
  • WoW’s Problems
  • Is It Too Late To Start?
  • Overview

Reasons to play WoW Dragonflight

WoW has had two pretty rocky expansions in a row that weren’t received all too well by the player base, as a result they’ve really pulled out all the stops for Dragonflight and made a lot of changes. And they’re really good.

New Zones:

Dragonflight brings us to a new continent, the Dragon Isles, where you can learn to fly a range of dragons. And the flying is much better than what we’ve had in the game before. These dragons are fully mobile, have skills and you can fully customise them.

WoW Dragonflight Dragon Isles

Dragon Riding:

There is dragon riding, you can fly with friends and they even come into play in one of the dungeons. This honestly makes the whole expansion pop as the whole zone has been designed around dragon riding. And you get the dragons pretty much straight away in the first zone, so no pathfinder, no tedious grind to unlock flying, you just get it.

Talent Tree Revamp:

The talent tree’s have been completely revamped, to be more like they were in classic and not only can you fully customise your characters talent tree, but you can respec and change talents on the fly and save each build as a custom template. 

Removal of Borrowed Power:

One of the biggest issues people had with the last few expansions was borrowed power. think artefact weapons from Legion, azerite power from BFA or covenant powers from Shadowlands. But finally with WoW dragonFlight we are seeing an end to this, as the expansion is launching without any of these systems, just you, your talent tree and your gear and this is so liberating.

Crafting Overhaul

Crating has been completely overhauled and now each gatherer and crafter comes with a whole new system. There are specialisation tree’s, for every profession and gathering and crafting equipment with new stats on. You can be a jewelcrafter who specialises in a certain ring or gem. Or a tailor who can make the best cloth hands on your server. This really brings depth and community to crafting.

WoW Dragonflight Review – Endgame Experience?

The number one reason might be the most obvious, but WoW has a reputation for its gear and character progression. And this WoW Dragonflight review wouldn’t be worth writing without discussing WoW’s comprehensive endgame content. Nothing hits quite like Wow. Its tab target combat and its end game fights just feel good. You are always on the gear grind, there is always something to work towards and something to improve on.

PvE Content:

For those looking to do PvE content against harder and harder enemies. There are 8 new dungeons in Dragonflight that come in a range of difficulty from normal all the way to mythic and as you progress you get better gear and go into harder content.

Or you can work with a biggest team of upto 40 people to step into the new raid, the vault of incarnates. A giant elemental themed raid with 8 different bosses again scaled from easy difficulty, all the way up to mythic. 

WoW Dragonflight dungeons

PvP Content:

Players looking to opt for a more direct player v player endgame had a full pvp gear progression open to them too. With open world pvp where the 2 factions can fight over resources, gathering nodes or world quests to battle grounds and arenas. You can grind currencies to get some of the coolest pvp gear in the game, or work with friends in an arena team, pushing to be the best ranked arena team on your server.

Open World Content:

If you’re not feeling the competitive side of the game or just want something less stressful, or maybe even just want to play solo. There is a TON of open world content in Dragonflight.

Dragonflight comes with 4 huge zones and a gorgeous new city. Each zone has its own renown faction that you can do quests and progress. 

On top of this there is the huge crafting overhaul, You can spend hours gathering rare nodes, or become a master craftsman of a specific type of item.

Problems with WoW:

This WoW Dragonflight Review wouldn’t be fair without discuss WoW’s major issues, whether they came from the expansion or the game itself.


The first reason has to be the toxicity. If you choose to progress in the challenging end game content, you will quickly run into toxic people

If you come from something like FFXIV that has a much more accepting and approachable endgame, WoW can feel very harsh. My tips would be if you’re going to go into the hard endgame content in WoW such as mythic plus, to fully learn your class, and make sure you’ve done the dungeons on the easier difficulties first.

Another way to avoid toxicity is to find a welcoming guild. Find a guild through the guild finder and find friends, let them know you’re new and want to learn and might make mistakes you’ll make some good friends.

WoW Dragonflight Raid


Another issue is elitism. There are a lot of people in WoW who treat this game and their time very serious, so they want to play with the best of the best. This makes things like your item level super important as you won’t even get into hard content if you’re gear is bad.

Most people use a dps meter or healing meter to track how much damage is being done and if you’re slacking, you’ll probably get told. WoW has always had this and its still here, so just something to be aware of.

Time Commitment:

Next big issue with WoW is the time commitment. If you want to play World of Warcraft at the highest level, it can take over all of your time. With so much content and scalable difficulties that just keep going, you can be forever grinding. WoW can start to feel like a second job when you’re just constantly focused on progression and grinding.

And if you want to push into the hardest raids in the game, you may need to join a serious raiding guild and commit to a schedule. Its definitely hard to recommend WoW to someone who only has a couple of hours free a week, there’s still stuff to do, but you will feel like you’re missing out on some stuff.


There’s also the cost With World of Warcraft you have to buy the new expansion and pay a monthly sub. But the they will also try and sell you services. Want to switch from alliance to horde because you made the wrong choice that will cost you, want to switch servers, theres a cost for that too. And that’s per character. There are store mounts, store toys and pets, and unfortunately a “wow token” which can be exchanged for in game gold. 

There are no super egregious pay to convenience features such as what you see in games like Lost Ark or BDO, but its still a reason someone won’t play the game, so worth mentioning.

Is it too late to start?

With 9 expansions full of content, and over 15 years of history, it can feel overwhelming to get into WoW as a new player, or come back as a returning player. So how does it feel coming into WoW Dragonflight in 2023.

WoW Dragon Race Drakthyr

New players can have a choice of most classes and most races. with only a select few locked behind either expansions, level requirements or in game quests.

Locked Classes/Races

There are tons of classes you can still play and the free trial lets you play upto level 20. It just might feel a little weird that some of the cooler more exciting classes are locked, such as the flagship new dragon race, locked behind the dragonflight expansion. 

The level experience is kind of hit and miss right now. The first 10 levels you can take your character through a new updated starter zone called exile’s reach. Which ends at level 10 and takes you to your main city

I would say it can feel alittle janky in this lvl10-60 part of the game, as the tutorial is upto date and fresh, and the new expansion from 60 onwards is new and exciting. But to get there you have to play through some of the older content first.

Fresh Start:

Whether you’re new or old, the best thing about coming into WoW in 2023 is that the new expansions are a fresh reset. New level cap, new gear, new reputations, new dungeons and raids and specifically in dragonflight a new crafting system.

So everyone is on the same playing field. So if you’re worried you’re gonna be left behind or it’s too late. You really have nothing to worry about.


Overall Is WoW Worth Playing in 2023?

I think it really is. I’ve played most MMO’s out there and WoW’s endgame just keeps on dragging me back. With the revamping of the talent tree’s, the removal of borrowed power and a better attitude from the developers. I feel comfortable saying this is one of the best expansions we’ve ever seen in World of Warcraft.

Whether your fighting inside the dungeons and raids, becoming an elite arena pvper or just chilling outside flying your dragon, fishing or dominating the auction house with your master crafts. WoW feels alive, it feels fun and its in a really good place.

If you never liked WoW, its combat, its endgame or its community. None of that has changed. WoW is still WoW. But if you’re new and looking for an MMORPG with some of the best endgame content out there, WoW has it. And if you’re a player who quit in an older expansion, now is a great time to come back.

Thats it for this WoW Dragonflight Review in 2023! If you’re coming back to WoW or already playing, check out our guides and tier lists below:

WoW Dragonflight DPS Tier List

WoW Dragonflight Healer Tier List

WoW Dragonflight Reputation Guide

WoW Dragonflight Gathering Guide

Learn more about WoW Dragonflight at the official site