Baldur's Gate 3 Companions Guide

Baldur’s Gate 3 companions:

BG3 companions can be found from the very beginning of the game all the way to the middle of Act 3. Some require certain mortality choices and others rely on having specific characters in your party or passing certain dialogue checks. So lets break down every companion in Baldur’s Gate 3 and how to get them. The act that each companion can be recruited will be in the titles and will keep this as spoiler free as possible.

Baldurs Gate 3 Companions

Act 1 - Shadowheart (Cleric)

One of the first companions you find in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Shadowheart, a Cleric who is one of Shar’s dark disciples. Shadowhearts morals appear both good and evil and can fit both styles of palythought.

You can find Shadowheart at the very beginning of the game on board the Nautiloid ship. Shadowheart is trapped inside a pod onboard the Nautilous and you must find the rune in the northern room and unlock her pod, or pass a skill check to break her out. You will then find her again on the beach once you finish the tutorial, and she can be recruited to your party.

Act 1 - Lae'zel (Fighter)

Lae’zel is a Githyanki Fighter with a frost attitude that many people struggle to see past. Although good natured and morally good, Lae’zel can be very direct and rude to other party members.

Lae’zel is also found on board the Nautilous and will jump out and greet you as you progress through the tutorial. Once you finish the tutorial, you will her later find her in Act 1 near the ravaged beach being held prisoner. Simple break the cage to free her and she will join your party.

Act 1 - Gale (Wizard)

Gale is a Human Wizard of scholarly background, a mortally good character with a really interesting story. As a wizard gale can learn every spell in the game and can help when involved in any scholarly decisions.

You find gale with his hand stuck out of a portal near the landing beach after finishing the tutorial. Simple help pull him out of the portal and he will join you.

Act 1 - Astarion (Rogue)

Astarion is a High Elf Rogue, who appears to follow his own morals. With a very shady past and a interesting in power, Astarion can seem like an evil character, but there are ways to sway him to do good, even if he may dislike it.

You find Astarion also on the beach after the tutorial. you’ll find him on a hill requesting your aid and he’ll join you right there.

Act 1 - Wyll (Warlock)

Wyll is a Human Warlock with one of the most interesting backstories in the game. A noble champion and hero, with a very dark secret. 

Wyll can be found at the goblin camp after the big attack between the goblins and refugee’s. This is directly north of the beach and once you complete the big fight, you can head into the camp and talk to him. He instantly joins your party without any requirements.

Act 1 - Karlach (Barbarian)

Karlach is a Zariel Tiefling who was created in the pits of hell. Doomed to fight forever in the blood war, she is an incredible fighter with a ton of sass. A morally good character that has one of the most heart warming companion stories.

Karlach can be found on the risen road in the top right of the Act 1 map. We would suggest heading to the toll station in the very north east first to pick up a quest which revolves around finding her. The quest tasks you with hunting her down, but upon meeting her, you can reject this and recruit her.

A nice interaction happens here if you have Wyll in your party, as their story’s cross paths.

Act 1 - Minthara (Paladin)

Minthara is a Drow Paladin with a very evil nature, it will be very hard to recruit her without making evil choices in your campaign. Recruiting her will also upset lots of your other companions and cause people to leave.

You will meet Minthara a the goblin camp and must make a very evil choice to recruit her. The only way to recruit Minthara is to side with the goblins and attack the grove, however doing so will massively alter the game and your relationship with other companions. So be careful with this companion unless you’re set on an evil playthrough, or this is your second time going through the game

Act 1/2 Haslin (Druid)

Haslin is a Wood Elf Druid and leader of the druid grove. Haslin is a morally good character and will not take kindly to harmful actions towards good people.

As part of the Act 1 Main story, you will arrive at the druid grove and learn about Haslin. And must complete the following steps to recruit him to your party:

1. You have to complete the main story questline and save the druids grove

2. Haslin can be then be found in the goblin camp and rescued from the warg pen.

3. After rescuing him, you must wait until you progress the “Shadow-cursed lands” main story in Act 2, then he will join you.

Act 2 - Jaheira (Druid)

A second druid character that can be recruited is Jaheira, a half-elf druid that you meet in Act 2.

You can find Jaheira during one of the final missions of Act 2 at the moonrise towers. As part of the big battle (no spoilers) you can call on Jaherira to join you. Once you clear through the moonrise towers, you can then ask Jaheira to join you permanantly as a companion.

Act 3 - Minsc (Ranger)

Minsc (aka the “Stonelord”) is a Human Ranger that you come across in Act 3, who is closely tied to Jaheira’s storyline , The High Harper.

In order to recruit Minsc, you need to progress far into Act 3, into Baldur’s Gate and complete the quest “Aid the underduke”, which leads you into the sewers. It is advised to have Jaheira in your party in order to recruit Minsc sucessful.


This is all the Baldur’s Gate 3 companions, where to find them and how to get them to join your party. For more Baldur’s Gate 3 tips, check out our Baldur’s Gate 3: 12 tips and Tricks video