Diablo 4 Annual Expansions Announced

In a recent interview with Diablo manager Rod Fergusson, Diablo 4 annual expansions were announced. That the game would not only be receiving quarterly seasons as expected. But it will also get annual expansions.

This was quoted from Rod Rergusson as follows; “When you look at the launch of the game and this first season, we see that as building a foundation on which we can build for the future. So, as we look at our quarterly seasons, and we look at our annual expansions, those are the things that we’re really focused on for our live service.”

Check out the full Dexerto and Diablo developer interview if you want to see the full conversation, but we’ll be talking more about these potential expansions.

diablo 4 expansions

Expansion Classes

When looking at potential Diablo expansions, they usually release with a new and exciting class. So lets break down all the classes we’ve seen so far in prior Diablo games and what we might expect in these future expansions. Each expansion build on the prior one reworking certain things such as changing paladin to crusader, or rogue to assassin, but here are all of the new classes as they were added.

Diablo 1: 

Warrior, Rogue, Sorcerer

Diablo 2:

Amazon, Necromancer, Paladin, Druid, 

Diablo 3:

Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor

Diablo Immortal:

Blood Knight

Based on this, the classes we don’t have in Diablo 4 would be the Amazon, Paladin, Demon hunter, Witch Doctor or Blood Knight. This gives Blizzard lots of options to choose from each year, and some exciting gameplay to look forward to. The game currently has lots of melee options, so would be great to see a new ranged class such as the witch doctor, however players love the Palain/Crusader that we’ve seen in many Diablo games. 

Are Diablo 4 Expansions Good?

Diablo 4 sold millions of copies and performed very well. However with the release of season 1, multiple cash shop items and battle pass content. Players are very unhappy with the quality and content in the game, and season 1 is overall very badly received.

An expansion will likely add a ton of new content, new zone, new class and features. But players are already paying for the base game, early access, battle pass, store mounts and cosmetics. And with the lack of seasonal content may be very unhappy to be sold an expansion.

Blizzard need to be very careful with how the expansion is launched, ensuring the game in a very good state and all current bugs and quality of life issues are fixed first, before asking for additional funds from loyal players. But if done correctly expansions could be a great way to revive the hype in the game and bring players back.

Overall Diablo 4 Annual Expansions are a very brave choice that could see continued success or more criticism based on how they are implemented. If you’re looking to jump into Diablo 4 for the first time check out our Diablo 4 guides and builds.