How To Get Avengers Shield Rune in Season of Discovery

This guide will show you how to get the Avengers Shield rune in season of discovery for paladins. This is one of the best paladin tanking runes which allows you to target and group up a pack of mobs by throwing out your shield, so here’s how you get the avengers shield rune.

Where is Avengers Shield Rune

The paladin avengers shield rune is dropped by a rare spawn in Redridge Mountains. The rare can spawn in multiple locations, and is usually surrounded by lots of other mobs. The person you are looking for is “Dro’Zem the Blasphemous” and can be found in multiple locations. 

The main area that people are having the most sucess with is the very north west of Redridge Mountains outside of the big Blackrock cave here:

avengers shield season of mastery

How to defeat Dro'zem the Blasphemous

Dro’zem the Blasphemous is a rare spawn in Redridge Mountains that drops the Avengers Shield rune for paladins in Season of Mastery. Dro’zem is a level 23 rare that spawns in a camp surrounded by other blackrock enemies, so is very challenging to fight.

You should be minimum level 20 and group up to fight this enemy. The best way to do this is to go in with a group, or go in at high level and slowly clear out the camp. Once the camp has been cleared you want to catch Dro’zem as soon as he spawns and defeat him. Once you do you can loot the rune and run. 

rune of the avenger

Hope this guide helped work out how to get the avengers shield rune in season of discovery. For more check out our rune of quick draw guide for rouges, or check out our WoW Classic Guides for more.