Trinket System Explained - Mortal Online 2

The Trinket System in Mortal Online 2 can be quite difficult to understand at first glance, we have put together a post to explain the Trinket System and make it easier to understand for new players.

In Mortal Online 2 you have three trinket slots on your character, one being for your Amulet and the other two for Rings. These trinkets can give you extra stat bonuses, to attributes, increasing your max attributes, max health, and giving you extra action points for skills or professions, to even increase your defensives or attack damage percentage. 

Gem and Metal Tiers

For both Rings and Amulets, there are five tiers of both gems and metals. The higher quality of both gem and metal will increase the stat bonuses that you can obtain from identifying the trinkets. This will depend how good the trinket can be, and how valuable the trinket can be.

Metal Tiers from best to worst:

Oghmium > Skadite > Gold > Silver > Cuprum

Gem Tiers from best to worst:

Adamant > Ruber > Topaz > Amethyst > Red Coral

Farming for Trinkets

Farming for Trinkets is quite a popular thing, as you can make thousands of gold from doing this, and it can make your character just that bit stronger to win fights. 

You can also get loot luck on these trinkets along with a handful of other stats, here is a list of all those stats and a quick explanation on what they mean and how different they are compared to the other stats. 

Trinket Farming Luck

Loot Luck – this stat will increase your chances of obtaining any loot that is possible from the loot table of any mob, this is great for farming trinkets, it will not increase the higher value of the trinket but will increase the trinket drop chance. 

Loot Amount – is to get more of an item that comes in stacks, for example getting more carcass from animals or reagents from bandits.

Rare Trinket Gem Luck – this stat will not increase the drop rate of the trinket itself but it will increase the chances of the trinket having a higher gem, this is a great stat to prioritize if you are looking to farm trinkets.

Farming Mobs

When farming mobs like bandits or sators for trinkets, the trinket luck only takes in account the killing blow of the mob. Therefore if you are farming trinkets with a group of friends, you probably want to let the person with the most trinket luck to attack the mob once it is put into mercy mode

Dungeon bosses and trolls are great for farming trinkets, however, it is not as consistent as this will require a lot of waiting around for the spawns. Risars and minotaurs are great to farm and have a good drop rate for trinkets if you are looking for a farm where you don’t have to do much waiting. 

For new players, the best mob to farm for trinkets will be bandits as they can be found across the map in Mortal Online 2, but they do have a lower trinket drop rate compared to Risars, Minotaurs, and Sators.

Fishing Trinkets

If you are looking for a safer way to farm trinkets, fishing is one of the best, yes this can be time-consuming and also relies on your fishing line, hook, and location of where you are fishing. 

Identifying Trinkets

Identifying NPC

When you obtain your trinkets, they will not come with any stats on them and need to be identified. To identify your trinkets, you will need to take them to an ‘Enchantment Congnoscente‘ NPC that can be located in any town. This will cost you 5 silver.

Trinket Identifying Luck

Gem Effect Luck – This stat will increase the chances of a higher stat depending on the gem of the trinket.

Trinket Effect Luck – This stat will increase the chances of a higher stat depending on the metal of the trinket.

What these stats mean is that if you have a Silver Ruber, you are most likely going to want Gem Effect Luck as the Ruber is a higher tier than the Silver, or if you have a Gold Red Coral, you are most likely going to want Trinket Effect Luck as the Gold is a higher tier than the Red Coral.

Charging Trinkets

Once you have equipped your trinkets, they will not take effect automatically. They will require you to Charge your trinkets.

To charge your trinkets you will first need to buy the charge from the Enchantment Supplies Vendor, which can be located in any town. There are five different charges to choose from but they are specific to what trinket metal you have. So for a cuprum ring, you will need to buy the cuprum recharge polish for 5G. 

With both the trinket and recharge polish in your inventory, you will need to use the Combine action, select both the trinket and polish, and then hold to combine. This will grant your trinket to have 3 Charges.

You will lose one charge per death.

Trinket System explained mortal online 2


Where to identify trinkets in Haven?

The trinket NPC’s in Haven can be located in a building towards the East Exit of the town.

Is farming trinkets a good way to make money?

Farming trinkets is a great way to make money, you can earn up to thousands if you get lucky with a higher-tier trinket. If you are not willing to gamble with identifying the trinket, you can still earn up to 8,000 gold on an unidentified Ruber. 

Can trinkets make your character stronger?

Trinkets can make your character a lot stronger. This can be for both magic and melee players, increasing the percentage of your damage and defensives.

Do I lose my trinkets on death?

If your trinkets are equipped into your trinket slots, then no you will not lose those trinkets on death. However, if they are unidentified then you cannot equip these trinkets, or if you have trinkets in your inventory, they will be dropped on death. 

That is it for our post on the trinket system for Mortal Online 2, if you are looking for a more in-depth guide for the stats and numbers, check out JohnOldman’s Trinket Research post