Lies of P Skill Tree (P-Organ) Guide

Once you progress further into the main game you will unlock the Lies of P skill tree, also known as the P-Organ. This is a system where you can spend a currency called Quartz to unlock new and powerful abilities. From extra dodges, combat manoeuvres to additional health vials. Alongside unlocking these new abilities you are also able to unlock and socket 2 additional powers per ability. So lets over this Lies of P skill tree.

How To unlock the Lies of P Skill Tree

As part of the main quest you are tasking with finding Geppetto, once you find him he will set you on a quest to take down a large scrapper puppet. Completing this main quest will involve defeating the “Scrapped Watchman”, and returning to the hotel to talk to Geppetto. 

After you return to the hotel you will get a cutscene unlocking the Lies of P skill tree and unlock stage one of the P-Organ.

p organ lies of p

Socket New Skills

As part of unlocking the Lies of P skill tree you can socket 2 new abilities per skill. These abilities can come from any of the 4 ability sections below and can be mixed and matched for every skill you unlock:

  • Attack Type
  • Survival Type
  • Ability Type
  • Item Type


These are a huge range of different abilities from damage increases, fables charging faster and even gaining more ergo per puppet you defeat. Defiantly take time to go through these skills, because picking the rights ones can massively improve the speed you can get through some of the toucher fights.

P-Organ Progression:

The Lies of P skill tree is broken down into 5 phases, each with 4 skills. As you unlock each skill in one section you will be able to progress into the next. So for example collecting enough skills from phase 1, will allow you to progress into phase 2. You can also see how far you are from the next skill phase by the little blue dot that travels the more skills you unlock. So your main goal should be collecting as much quartz as possible if you want to progress into some of the bigger and exciting abilities.

lies of p organ phase

How to get Quartz in Lies of P

In order to progress the Lies of P skill tree you will need a large amount of Quartz. The best way to get Quartz is from defeating bosses and finding secrets and challenges around the world. Some involve performing certain gestures, finding secret locations and items, or just checking the right locations. 

Check out all Lies of P Quartz locations here from Samurai Gamers if you want to find every single one. And for more Lies of P Guides check out of Lies of P guides page.