Dragon's Dogma 2 Increasing Carry Weight

With the amount of objects you can loot, Dragon’s Dogma 2 Increasing Carry Weight can be quite important and you can feel the negative impacts of carrying too much rather quickly into this game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Increasing Carry Weight


You can have up to three pawns in your party, all with different carry weights. When managing your inventory you can also move items in and out of your pawn’s inventory.

This does give you more wiggle room to hold more items and to go on longer adventures while progressing through the story. 

Arisen Leveling

Leveling up your Arisen will also increase your encumbrance level. However, this is not at every level, only certain milestones like level 10 and 20. 

Golden Trove Beetles

Golden Trove Beetles can be found while you explore the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2, you will find these beetles on trees. They are quite large but your Pawn’s will also pick these beetles up for you if you do miss them. Make sure to check your Pawn’s inventory and consume these beetles to increase your carry weight by .15kg.

Carry Weight Rings

Currently, there are three known rings that increase the player’s carry weight in Dragon’s Dogma 2. These rings can be bought from NPCs so be sure to check what items they have for sale. 

The following rings are:

  • Ring of Triumph
  • Ring of Profusion
  • Ring of Accrual


The augment called ‘Thew’ can be unlocked after leveling up your fighter Vocation. Once unlocking this Augment you can equip it and it will increase your max carry weight, which can also be used with the other Vocation classes.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Questions

Why does my stamina drain so quickly?

Check your inventory to see if you are ‘Heavy’, being over your carry weight will cause negative impacts to your character like your stamina draining significantly faster than normal.

Does character creator impact carry weight?

Yes, making a heavy and tall character will allow them to have a bigger carry weight.

We will be sure to update our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Increasing Carry Weight guide if they are uncovered during the playthrough. Check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guides page for more.