Gloria Victis Officially Leaves Early Access

Gloria Victis is an MMO RPG set in the medieval open world. With open-world PVP, territory control, a player-driven economy, and a deep crafting system. Gloria Victis released their early access on the 9th of June 2016 and now Gloria Victis officially leaves early access on the 7th of February 2023.

Gloria Victis trailer leaves early access

Gloria Victis New Servers

The team released a tweet announcing there will also be new servers to celebrate the release and they also currently having a steam sale for Gloria Victis with 50% off. 

So far it is looking rather good for the game as in the last 24 hours of the release, Gloria Victis has quadrupled its player count and achieved rank 1 in trending with Steam. 

Official Website

The official website for Gloria Victis is updated quite frequently with weekly updates and maintenance notices. They also provide all of their social media links, features to their game, and optional bundles.

Gloria Victis Official Release

Are you going to try out the new medieval MMO RPG Gloria Victis? If you are interested in MMO RPGs, check out our other MMO news down below!

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