Sage is the newest healer class that joined in the FFXIV Endwalker expansion. Sage is a shield and mitigation healer and in this FFXIV Sage guide, we aim to cover everything you need to know about the class, keeping it short and simple.
- Eukrasia and Addersgall Gauge
- Sage does damage
- Spells and Abilities
- Rotation
- Materia – Stat Priority
Eukrasia and Addersgall Gauge
The Eukrasia Gauge is activated by using the ability ‘Eukrasia‘. This then changes the action effects of Dosis, Diagnosis, and Prognosis.
The Addersgall Gauge has two parts, it will have both Addersgall and Addersting. You don’t have to do anything to gain Addersgall points as that part of the gauge fills over time. To spend the Addersgall points you can use them for four abilities. These abilities are Druochole, Kerachole, Ixochole, and Taurochole.
The Addersting section of the gauge is for doing damage. Addersting points are gained after a shield, from using Eukrasian Diagnosis, has been broken down with damage from enemies. Addersting points can be used for Toxikon.
Sage does damage?
The biggest part of Sage that makes them different from the other healers is Kardia. Kardia is an ability that lets you connect to a party member but also heals this party member based on the amount of damage you are doing.
When comparing Sage and Scholar, Scholar has the fairy that regens allies, and Sage has Kardia that regens a single target. However, for Kardia to regen, you must use your damage abilities.
Sage Spells and Abilities
Sage has a lot of mitigation in their tool kit, what makes them different from Scholar is that you can’t visibly see all of the mitigation they can do. Scholar can do big crit shields for huge incoming damage while Sage can keep the party safe by reducing the amount of damage taken. So let’s cover all the main spells and abilities as part of this FFXIV Sage guide:
Sage Rotation
The first thing you need to do as Sage is choose who you’d like to Kardia. This is usually the main tank but if you are working with a co-healer you may need to Kardia the off tank.
You want to make sure you are always casting and not missing out on gcds, some of your damage spells like Phlegma, Toxikon, Dyskrasia, and Eukrasian Dosis are good for movement as they don’t require a cast time.
Keep your DoT up at all times, Sage’s DoT is different from the other healers as it requires you to use Eukrasia to then activate Eukrasian Dosis. Another thing for your damage abilities, it’s good to use Pneuma at the 2-minute buff window mark. Aim to keep Phlegma at 1 stack, it if stays on 2 stacks for too long you can be missing out on DPS.
For your healing, don’t be afraid to make the most out of your healing kit. As the Addersgall stacks come over time, it’s good to make the most out of the kit like using Kerachole off cooldown, keeping your party mitigated, and therefore not missing out on free healing spells.
All healing actions that require an Addersgall stack are off the global cooldown so if you want to do the most damage as possible, you can weave these abilities between your damaging spells.
Sage Materia – Stat Priority
When it comes to melding materia we recommend prioritizing Crit and then going into DH, Det is also good too here.
If you are looking for more advanced material builds or BiS, we recommend looking into The Balance.
We hope this FFXIV Sage Guide was helpful, if you are interested in the other healers and how they are different check out our other guides below!