Mossy Mammoth mount guide - WoW Dragonflight Zskera Vault

The Mossy Mammoth mount is an obtainable mount from Zskera Vault in WoW Dragonflight located in the Forbidden Reach, which was added in 10.0.7. 

Mossy Mammoth mount guide WoW Dragonflight

Mossy Mammoth from Zskera Vault

The Zskera Vault comes with many puzzles, you can enter the vault by obtaining the Zskera Vault Key, which can be found by doing content in the Forbidden Reach. 

The doors in the Vault are completely random, you may get a few mobs, treasure, or puzzles. The Mossy Mammoth mount can be obtained by opening multiple treasure chests and then combining the following items:

    • Strange Petrified Orb
    • Scrap of Black Dragonscales
  1. Then combine both of these items into the Particularly Ordinary Egg
  2. Next, you will be able to obtain the Drop of Blue Dragon Magic and combine it with the Particularly Ordinary Egg to create the Magically Altered Egg.
  3. You will then be able to obtain the Everburning Ruby Coals which is used to combine with the Magically Altered Egg to create the Egg of Unknown Contents. 
  4. Furthermore, you will be able to obtain the Speck of Brone Dust which is used to combine with the Egg of Unknown Contents to create the Sleeping Ancient Mammoth.
  5. Finally, obtain the Emerald Dragon Brooch with the Sleeping Ancient Mammoth to create the Mossy Mammoth Mount.

Congratulations you have now obtained the Mossy Mammoth mount from the Forbidden Reach Zskera Vault! 

Is the Mossy Mammoth hard to obtain?

The Mossy Mammoth is possible to be obtained from 1 run of the Zskera Vault. However, as each room is randomized, a case of rng to find the correct rooms, you will need to open every room in the Zskera Vault which will be roughly 30 keys in total. 

If you’d like to obtain more mounts from WoW Dragonflight, check out our WoW Mount Guides page, or see our other guides on our WoW page