Big Slick in the City Mount Guide - WoW 10.1

This post will include how to obtain the new Big Slick in the City Mount from WoW 10.1. The new mount is obtainable in the new zone, Zaralek Cavern, that has come to the World Of Warcraft live servers in patch 10.1. 

Big Slick in the city WoW 10.1

Glimmerogg Racer Reputation

With patch 10.1 there is another reputation added to WoW called the ‘Glimmerogg Racer‘. This can be unlocked at NPC Briggul 44.24, 79.95.

Once you have maxed out the Glimmerogg Racer Reputation, NPC Briggul will grant you the Big Slick in the City mount.

Upon unlocking the reputation, Briggul will give you a whistle to summon the Big Slick for a short period of time.

To unlock the Glimmerogg Racer quest in Zaralek Cavern, head to 55.61, 54.57, accept the TICKET: Glimmerogg Games quest and complete the questline. 

Daily Big Slick Quests

NPC Briggul will give you a daily quest to complete and each quest will grant you 100 Glimmerogg Racer Reputation. These quests can be completed with the whistle that summons Big Slick.

The quests will include training Big Slick, racing, and riding around the Dragon Isles. 

Snail Battle Pets

Another way to obtain Glimmerogg Racer Reputation is by showing Briggul any of the snail battle pets at level 25, outside of Zaralek Cavern. 

Once you have your battle pet out, Briggul will offer you a one time quest that will grant you 100 Glimmerogg Racer Reputation. 

Here are the Snail Battle Pets that will grant Reputation:

We hope this short guide for the new Big Slick in the City mount from WoW 10.1 has helped.

Check out our World of Warcraft page or our WoW Mount Guides to see how to obtain the other mounts from Dragonflight and 10.1