Mounted Tamer Mage Build - Mortal Online 2

With the help from the Mortal Data Character Builder, we’ve managed to put together a Mounted Tamer Mage Build, in this post we will walk you through the build with character creation, stats, action skill points, and clade gifts for Mortal Online 2.

mortal online 2 dominate mage

Mounted Tamer Mage Character Creator

Race Human Tindremene

The goal was to aim to create a character with high intelligence and good mana regen, after looking into the Human Clade, they seem to be the best option for this build. With Tindremene this also gives a good balance of intelligence and psyche

Age 62

To have the maximum amount of intelligence that is possible to obtain we have chosen to go with Age 62. This is because the higher the age the most intelligence and psyche you can have and at 62 this is the peak

Height 174cm

With height at a low 174cm for a Human, this means that you have a larger attributes pool that can be put in for more of your stats. Being smaller will also give you a small hit box

Weight 200% Obese

As this is a mounted mage build, it is best to go with the popular ‘fat mage’ build as it gives more intelligence, increasing your magic power. 

Mounted Tamer Mage Stats

Strength 14 (+4)(-30)

From the Age and Weight of this build, will negatively impact your Strength stats. Your Age will impact your minimum and maximum strentgh stat while your Weight, at 200%, will -30 from your maximum. 

This build is purely for magic and requires no melee points so taking a dagger and a shield will be enough.

Dexterity 33 (-42)

Since this is a mounted mage build, you wont be needing much Dexterity so it’s worth to sacrifice the -42 Dexterity points for bonus Intelligence and Psyche. 

Constitution 59 (+4) (-30)

Constitution will impact your health on your character, with the weight changing from Bulging to Obese this will negatively impact your Consitution by -30. However, with greater intelligence makes stronger healers and damage spells making you a glass cannon. 

Intelligence 130 (+4) (+20)

Intelligence is one of the most important Stats for this build as Intelligence impacts your magic power.With the help from Clades, Age, and Weight, you can have up to 130 Intelligence with this build. 

Psyche 122 (+4) (+20)

Psyche is really strong for this build as it will increase your mana management along with the help from your Clades. As you will be spending the majority if not all of your time on the back of your mount, this will mean there is no time to sit and rest. Therefore better mana management means you can stay on the back of a horse and longer in the fights. 

Mounted Tamer Mage Clade Gifts

Human Clade Gifts

For the mounted tamer mage build, this is the Clade Gifts we have decided to go for on this build, Human has many useful Clade Gifts for a Mounted Mage. Great for increasing your max stats and you save action points from the mounted skills and receive a bonus of 50 Action Skills from another Gift. 

With the extra wiggle room from the Action Skills, Human has just enough room to be able to be a full tamer, mage, and be able to dominate. 

mounted tamer mage build mo2

Mounted Tamer Mage Action Skill Points


Mental Training

Mental Offense


Ecumenical Spells


Controlled Riding

Mounted Magery


Creature Control

Advanced Creature Control


Beast Mastery

Animal Care















Mana management.

Spell power and mana management.

Spell power


Level of Ecumenical spells you can use

Dominating creatures at a higher level

Unlocks Mounted Magery

Increases spell power while mounted

Taming creatures at a higher level

Increases pet points to 70

Increases pet points to 100

Reduction of pet points from -20 to -10

Pet abilities, attacks, and increases damage

Reduces the experience tick time for pets

Profession Skill Options


This build is great for any lores with the Educated Clade, it is useful to take as the next clade gift goes into +50 additional profession points. Which makes this build flexible into what you would like to go into as it will give you free 10 points into any lores. Wether that’s for crafting, mining, or animal materials. 


If you are planning on having multiple tames out at once or aiming to have the highest levels possible for your build, a great thing to do is to max out your zoology lore for that creature. 

This is quite important for a tamer as this increases your taming and/or controlling chances, butchery yield, and lowers the amount of pet points needed to have this creature. 


Management is another great profession for tamers as it increases the number of pets you can have in all of your stables.


Cooking is not necessary but it’s extremely helpful when it comes to gaining lore on the creatures for your zoology. The best way it to cook 100 carcasses with 1000 water or you can also do 1000 carcasses with 10,000 water.

This is a much faster way to get lore for your creatures compared to butchery. 


Reading is one of the most important skills to get as this build will require a lot of book reading.

View the full Mounted Tamer Mage Build on the site.

Find out where to get all of the books for your build on the MO2info Index. 

Check out our Mortal Online 2 Guides Page for more!