Best Builds in Mortal Online 2

Mortal Online 2 is one of the most complex and hardcode survival MMOs out there, so lets break down the best builds in Mortal Online 2.

This is an MMORPG with tons of freedom to create your character however you want, so don’t feel limited by build guides. However certain stats can never be changed, for example if you pick a small slim character you may never be able to have the strength to wield the best bows in the gam. Therefore we want to give you some of the best builds for Mortal Online 2.

Mage Builds

Mages can be very complicated in Mortal Online 2, so here are our best builds for Mages. Your options are a fast and dexterous mage that can in and out of fights, but still unleash strong spells. Or a slow and strong mage with very high intellect, sacrificing speed and mobility for extra damage. 

mortal online 2 mage build

Dex Mage (Quick Mage)

This plays as a very nimble and fast mage. You have enough dexterity and the alvarin clade points let you get in and out of combat without getting trapped. You can go in quickly with daggers and a shield, you have enough intellect to cast spells and heal and can get out of combat easily if things go rough. This is probably the single best mage build in mortal online 2. For more on this check our full dex mage build guide.

Fat Mage (Slow and Strong Mage)

This is what people in Mortal Online 2 call the “fat mage” it is short, high weight and old age. This makes your character incredibly slow, but gives you the highest intelligence in the game for the maximum damage. You will be a sitting target if a melee charges you, but your damage will be as high as possible.

For both of these mage builds, the best advice would be to take dagger, shield and all the magical skills. Mental offense, mental focus, vitality (for magic damage, mana regen etc and other passives). And then focus on the magic schools of your choice. You can start with ecumanation by buying the basic spell book in haven.

Melee Warrior Builds

Lets go through some of the best warrior builds in Mortal Online 2. Warriors are your traditional melee fighters who fight in close quarters with 1 or 2 handed weapons on foot. In Mortal Online 2 melee combat you need to be strong enough to beat your opponent, but also need enough speed to close the distance and chase.

mortal online warrior

Thursar Warrior (Slow and Strong)

This warrior is extremely slow but has some of the best strength and power in Mortal online 2. You might be slow, you can wear the heaviest armour and wield the most powerful armours. Focus on taking the heavy armour skills and a melee combat and a weapon of your choice.

Oghmir Tank (Huge Defense)

Oghmir tanks are the most defensive builds in the entire game. You have the most health, the most defence and can wear the heaviest armour. On top of this you can use your Oghmir pipe and double potions to heal for more than any other class. This is easily the strongest class for frontline group fights and we have a full Oghmir build guide if you want to play this build. 

Mounted Combat Builds

Closing the gap on your enemies is crucial in Mortal Online 2, therefore choosing a character that masters mounted combat makes you extremely mobile. You can charge at enemies with a lance or keep them at range with mounted archery.

Mounted Archer

Mounted archer is one of the best builds in Mortal Online 2 for players looking for high mobility, range and ability to control the battlefield and play on their own terms. You should aim to pick up riding and ranged combat as your main skills. and within ranged combat train the mounted archery skill and max this. Everything else is option but these make up the mounted archer.

Mounted Knight

Extremely similar to the mounted archer, we recommend the same starting class and stats. You would just focus on different skills in game. You want to take riding and melee combat. Within mounted combat pick up lances and mounted charge and max both of these. Now you can charge into battle and destroy people with your lanced charge strikes.

Other Builds in Mortal Online 2

There are so many options in Mortal Online 2 and every build is totally unique. You can be a hybrid warrior who takes healing magic, an argue who pulls out daggers, an axe wielding small character who uses damaging magic.

There is truly no limit to your build in Mortal Online 2, but we wanted to share the strongest and best builds in Mortal Online 2 for someone getting into the game for the first time.

read more about Mortal Online 2 here and check out our other Mortal Online 2 Guides and Reviews